Project Details

1. Introduction
The Rombo Marathon was held on 23rd December 2024 at the Rongai Forest Sports Grounds that brought together people from different parts of Tanzania to participate and different sponsors of the event to showcase their work where the guest of honor was the former President of Tanzania, Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. Our organization got an opportunity to exhibit our work and highlight the importance of raising awareness on the growing burden of Non-communicable diseases in the country. This report provides a comprehensive summary of the key aspects of the event, including attendance at our tent, feedback and the overall impact.
2. Objectives
Our primary objectives during the Rombo Marathon were to:
- To provide free screening for Diabetes, Hypertension and measurement of Body Mass Index (BMI).
- To provide a platform for networking and knowledge sharing among various people that visited our tent.
- To facilitate discussions on the raising burden of Non communicable diseases in our country and the efforts our organization are going to undertake.
- To create and foster partnerships in future projects to be implemented by our organization.
3. Attendance
During our exhibition, screening and awareness campaign, about 74 people visited our tent where 50 opted to participate in the screening process for diabetes and hypertension.
4. Outcomes
The event successfully achieved its knowledge sharing, networking and fostering collaboration objectives. The key outcomes included:
- New partnerships formed (Prof. Janabi through capacity building initiatives via THPS, Dr Vito Baraka from NIMR on future collaborative projects, Dr Jonathan from Huruma Hospital on research projects to conduct).
- Positive feedback from attendees suggested a high level of satisfaction
- The knowledge shared regarding Non-Communicable diseases
5. Feedback and Areas of improvement
The overall feedback from attendees were good based on the comments that were left in our visitation book. Our efforts were identified as unique and innovative however there were some areas of improvement we identified.
- Organisation and placement of medical equipment needed for screening i.e safety box, sanitizer, cotton swabs etc, needed to be readily available and properly placed.
- The need for documentation cards/ papers with our logo to write down attendee BMI, blood sugar and blood pressure after measurement for them to leave with as a memento of our service provided.
- Creation of a digital platform to document attendee reading for easy compilation and analysis to ensure good recording and analysis in future.
- Creating RCRO visitation book to be used in future projects and documentation.
- Designing RCRO business cards and media platforms to enable future partners to easily contact us after the event.
The Rombo Marathon and RCRO exhibit was a success, meeting its objectives and providing significant value to the attendees. The insights gained and connections made will undoubtedly benefit our organization. Plans are already underway for the next year’s event, with a focus on further enhancing the experience based this feedback.